"Born for such a time as this"
Esther 4:14

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

"Born for such a time as this"
Esther 4:14

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


Welcome to the

Esther 4:14 "For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”


Welcome to the

Esther 4:14 "For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Watch This Quick Message From Azmina Garcia To Help MAXIMIZE Your ATTENDANCE!

ATTENTION: Once You Leave This Page, The Video Below Disappears...

"Azmina Garcia’s narrative is a gift to all those who have faced adversity, proving that within the broken pieces of our lives, there lies the potential for a masterpiece waiting to be unveiled.”
Brian Simmons
Passion & Fire Ministries
"Azmina Garcia’s narrative is a gift to all those who have faced adversity, proving that within the broken pieces of our lives, there lies the potential for a masterpiece waiting to be unveiled.”
dr. Brian Simmons
Passion & Fire Ministries

Unlock our exclusive VIP bundle, packed with BONUS gifts, all for just $47!

"I believe you will be deeply touched and impacted by her testimony, her vulnerability, and the valuable insights she reveals to help you embrace your sweet freedom.”
"I believe you will be deeply touched and impacted by her testimony, her vulnerability, and the valuable insights she reveals to help you embrace your sweet freedom.”

For only $47, you get VIP Access to Love out Loud Movement

Hey Esther's!

Are you ready to TRANSFORM  your life and embrace your full  potential as an Esther?

I have had the honor to help so many women get healing and breakthrough led by the Holy Spirit. I am stepping out in obedience as The Lord asked me to start this Love Out Loud Movement and He will provide the transformation. 

...As you join this movement, be expectant and GET READY for a metamorphosis just like a butterfly. 

1. Commit to being fully present.  Every week, it will be packed with so much value, and Holy Spirit filled presence. Missing one day will feel like you are missing out on a lot. Life happens and I understand. Replays will be available.

2. Since you are planning to be here, why not go “All-In” by upgrading to the VIP bundle? Don't get me wrong, this is an opportunity to get additional access to my coaching for $47 in this special VIP Offer. This is an investment for you because you matter! 

Together, we will work on your transformation for such a time as this. I am excited to get to know you. 

With love,
Azmina Garcia

"Azmina Garcia shares her life-changing experience with Jesus Christ, the God of all grace and comfort. Her inspiring story is full of real-life examples of how God met her in her brokenness and rebuilt her life into a beautiful message of His love.”
Jeremiah and Teresa Yancy
 Authors of The Messenger Life Founders of Unlocking Your Book
"Azmina Garcia shares her life-changing experience with Jesus Christ, the God of all grace and comfort. Her inspiring story is full of real-life examples of how God met her in her brokenness and rebuilt her life into a beautiful message of His love.”
Jeremiah and Teresa Yancy
 Authors of The Messenger Life Founders of Unlocking Your Book

When You Upgrade To VIP For $47 Right Now, You'll Get:

Broken To Beautiful Book - Signed copy by Azmina Garcia

Broken to Beautiful Digital Workbook 

Kingdom Healthy Recipes Digital Workbook

Kingdom Body Care Digital REcipe (DIY Lotions, DIY Chapsticks, DIY toothpowder, etc) 

Kingdom Identity Daily Declaration Digital Workbook


14-Day Trial of Love Out Love Foundations Program

When You Upgrade To VIP For $47 Right Now, You'll Get:

Broken To Beautiful Book - Signed copy by Azmina Garcia


Broken to Beautiful Digital Workbook 


Kingdom Healthy Recipes Digital Workbook


Kingdom Body Care Digital Recipes (DIY Lotions, DIY Chapsticks, DIY toothpowder, etc) 


Kingdom Identity Daily Declaration Digital Workbook




14-Day Trial of Love Out Love Foundations Program


Today: For only $47!

All You Have To Do Is Say “YES” And The VIP Bundle
(Plus BONUS Gifts) Is Yours... For $47!

And Don't Worry...

You’re Protected by Our Hassle-Free 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Even if you choose to cancel after the 14-day of Love out Loud program... you STILL get to keep all the gifts FOR FREE because I want to see you walk in your purpose!

I am very confident that you will enjoy being with like-minded women of God as we run the Love OUT LOUD  Movement together and experience the transformation that will take place in your journey. 

So, What is the VIP Bundle?

Here’s What's included...

Broken to Beautiful: Signed by Azmina
A written personalized prophetic word for you inside my Book.
Broken to Beautiful Interactive Digital workbook

Upgrade Today For $47, And You'll Receive...

Love Out Loud Program
14-Day Trial!

($447 VALUE)

  • Membership Inclusions: Gain access to the Love Out Loud Movement Community.
  • Love out Loud APP: Unlock exclusive bonuses and educational content through our dedicated online learning management system.
  • ​In-Person Meeting once a year 
  • ​Weekly Live Training Sessions: Join Azmina Garcia for one hour of transformation every Monday at 8 PM EST.
  • ​Value-Added Bonus #1: Monthly Hearing God's Heart (Priceless Value).
  • ​Value-Added Bonus #2: Monthly Kingdom fit (Priceless Value).
  • ​Value-Added Bonus #3: Monthly Group Inner Healing Call (Priceless Value).
  • Value-Added Bonus #4: Monthly guest speakers
  • ​Value-Added Bonus #5: Monthly Financial expert

Ongoing Access With Azmina Garcia

One Year Access To All Trainings

($447 VALUE)

When you sign up for VIP, you will get to join Azmina, and other seasoned transformation coaches every Monday Live at 8 PM EST.

You will gain access to the LOVE OUT LOUD Movement Community.

You will get access to the LOVE OUT LOUD Movement Training Portal.

We will meet ​In-Person once a year. 

​Value-Added Bonus #1: Monthly Hearing God's Heart (Priceless Value).

​Value-Added Bonus #2: Monthly Kingdom fit (Priceless Value).

​Value-Added Bonus #3: Monthly Group Inner Healing Call (Priceless Value).

​Value-Added Bonus #4: Monthly guest speakers.

​Value-Added Bonus #5: Monthly Financial expert.

Act Now !

Limited Spots Available – Don’t Miss Out!

That’s right… even though this event is virtual, we are limiting the number of attendees to 500.

By keeping the group small, we’re able to provide you with a more intimate and in-depth training experience unlike anything you’ve had before!

But you need to ACT NOW before you leave this page.

Once you leave, this offer will disappear for good…

So what are you waiting for?!?

Click the button below RIGHT NOW and upgrade to VIP before it’s too late!!


That’s right... even though this event is virtual, we are limiting the number of attendees to 1,000.

Additionally, when we keep the group small, we’re able to give you a more intimate and in-depth training unlike anything you've experienced before!

But you need to ACT NOW and before you leave this page.

Once you do leave this page, this offer disappears *POOF* for good...

So what’re you waitin’ for?!?

Hit, click, tap, or smack that button below RIGHT NOW and upgrade to VIP before it’s too late!!

Here's The Rundown Of What You Get

When You Upgrade To VIP Today For $47!

Broken To Beautiful Book - Signed copy by Azmina Garcia


Broken to Beautiful Digital Workbook 


Kingdom Healthy Recipes Digital Workbook


Kingdom Body Care (DIY Lotions, DIY Chapsticks, DIY toothpowder, etc) 


Kingdom Identity Daily Declaration Digital Workbook




14-Day Trial of Love Out Love Foundations Program


Today: For only $47!

All You Have To Do Is Say “YES” And The VIP Bundle
(Plus BONUS Gifts) Is Yours... For $47!